
Data and Sources

Where does Skyminder’s data come from?

Every country is different on how to collects information related to companies
, like registration, negative events, structure, financials etc. end it could represent a friction.
Data availability, updating, processing automatization, IT infrasctructure are representing items to compare different countries.








Data friction shows the level of business data availability, accessing and updating
It means that bodies in charge of filing data related to companies are very often not centralized and acting at local level not connected each other.
In addition, if the process to update a company profile, for example after a change in number of employees, address and so on, is manual, becomes more complicated and time consuming having a new company overview taking care of the new data.

Data Friction can be classified in in 4 tiers:

Tier 1 - good data availability and accessibility: detailed information, constant and proactive updating.
Tier 2medium level of data availability, but critical in terms of accessibility and updating, which is only reactive.
Tier 3limited data availability combined with access difficulties due to the ongoing organization of public sources.
Tier 4: poor company data availability.

SkyMinder is able to deal with all these scenarios thanks to CRIF’s local presence and long-standing relationship with local business providers, ensuring always a high standard of business reports.


Local legislation and organizations affect data availability. However, it is possible to identify some common paths in term of sources, which can be summarized as follow:

- Public Register
to identify a company’s existence and current status.
- Financial data for subjects that are legally obliged to submit such data to public bodies.
- Legal data to better understand structure.
- Negative information affecting a company and its representatives.
- Shareholders and company structure to better understand ownership and identity
- Local data: additional data to beltter classify company, like industry, certifications.
Those above are key components to generate crucial information such as ratings to assess the risk level and credit limits, because to be aware of any negative event, legal data or financial data, allow to have a better awareness of when a decision must be taken.
To know more how companies’ information are available in SkyMinder solutions click here

In addition,
there also two groups of information crucial to assess a business partners:

First of all, Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Bribery lists are able to determine the level of involvement of a company (or a person) into financial crimes. This an area with an increased focus due to a higher attention on reputation and governments’ legislation requirements.
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Then, also Cyber Attack can represents a disruption in activities of a company, with a risk of being in a position very thought and difficult on the market.
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