
The Indonesian National Agriculture Sector Will Increase by 3.43%

As noted by Bank Indonesia (BI), activity in various business sectors was increasing in QI-2018, and will continue to increase in QII/2018. This is based on results of Business Activity Survey (SKDU) conducted by Bank Indonesia (BI) toward 3,200 medium-large companies, which represented some 25,000 companies in Indonesia.

Based on the survey data, PT. Visi Globalindo Data Utama predicts that the national agriculture sector will increase by 3.43%, or 1.41% higher than in the same period of 2017. It is supported by the increase of food crop and husbandry sector, and the manufacturing industry.

According to the respondents (50%), business expansion occurred in the first quarter of 2018 is related to the success of harvesting seasons. Harvesting results in 2018 are increasing, supported by the favorable climate and seasonal factors.

In addition, the specific characteristic of the market is also an important role for the success. As we learn, the Fasting Month of Ramadhan and Iedul Mubarak in second quarter of 2018 became one of the largest contributing factors for the increasing demand for the food crops and husbandry products in the market.