
Romanian import/export

The top exports of Romania are Vehicle Parts, Insulated Wire, Cars, Wheat and Rubber Tires. In 2016, it exported $64.8B, becoming the 40th largest export economy in the world.

Its main European destinations are Germany, Italy, France and Hungary. From these Countries and from some overseas origins like China, Turkey and United States, Romania import principally: Vehicle Parts, Packaged Medicaments, Crude Petroleum, Cars and Insulated Wire.

SkyMinder gives you a deepened analysis about Romanian import and export in the infographic below and it assists you in better knowing your potential partner or supplier with constantly updated credit report, offering:

  • Real time full coverage,
  • Full coverage of financial statements with the deepest level of details,
  • Company's evaluation and credit recommendation.

 If you need more information, please contact us.